What is emotional intelligence?

In a nutshell, emotional intelligence is me living my best possible life--as a professional, as a leader, as a spouse, as a parent, as a daughter/son, as a neighbor, as a friend--because I...

  • know myself. That means that I am aware of my thoughts, my feelings, my personality, and my stress. These are all aspects of my inner world, and I can think of them as fuel that drives my behavior. It can be scary to look within, but as Joseph Campbell reminds us, the cave we fear to enter often holds the treasure we seek.

  • regulate myself. Once I become aware of my inner-world (my thoughts, feelings, personality and stress), how do I manage them? In other words, how do I connect that inner-world fuel to behaviors that will be life giving and tonic instead of life sucking and toxic to the world around me? We find tremendous personal power as we grow this skill.

  • know you. Knowing and regulating myself centers me. When I'm centered, I'm positioned to ask, 'How are you? What are you thinking and feeling?' Empathy is a powertool that allows me to see with your eyes, hear with your ears, feel with your heart, and think with your mind.

  • connect with you. Now that I am centered and have a sense of your inner world, I have the best possibility to connect with you. Interpersonal skills are another power tool. They allow us to really get to know and honor each other.

Here's the feedback we're getting...

“Finally. Professional development that goes beyond 'this-is-what-is-required-of-you' to 'this-one-is-for-you'. These courses will not just help me in my role as an educator, but in all areas of my life. I feel seen and heard.”

Brenda Rogers, South Bend School Corporation

“This has been one of the smoothest and best courses I’ve seen.”

--Aaron Sandoval, Cypress Fairbanks Independent School District veteran educator and instructional designer

Ready to start growing your EQ? Let the journey begin!